You are truly an awesome person, Christine❤️

And good luck with the drop off. I’ll be thinking about you and all my friends with chicks leaving the nest.

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I feel so silly. I was fine until yesterday...now I'm being attacked by spontaneous tears when I least expect it. Ugh. I keep telling myself it's a GOOD thing, but good things can still be hard. Hope you have a gigantic stack of great books to keep you entertained as you recuperate this week!

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All totally normal, mom. It is a good thing, but still monumental in a sad way.

I just finished Ted Bundy’s cousin’s book and bought the book written by the son of the Hamas founder.

Your book was so good. I hope you get another one out there soon!

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I will check these out. I'm listening to Burn by Peter Heller. For reasons I don't fully understand, I love post-apocalyptic settings...maybe because if civilization breaks down no one has to unload the dishwasher???

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